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Volunteer Program

Our volunteer program takes us all over the state of Arkansas due to the partnerships we have created with both local and state organizations.

One of our major partnerships is with The Arkansas Martin Luther King, JR. Commission under the direction of their Executive Director DuShun Scarbrough our volunteer team has been from one corner of the state to the other assisting in programs from YouthSummits, Re-Entry programs, to their Maga KingFest which is the largest in the Nation. 



Mentoring Program 

We team up with young adults to guide and teach them marketable and life skills for the betterment of their lives and future.

Many of them enjoy learning how to cook, sew, photography, basic carpentry, and basic auto mechanics, as well as other skills like how to manage their credit, using a checking account and much, much more.



Business Services

  1. Photography - We will take your photos for your Family or single portraits, Weddings, Graduation, special occasion, or event.  We will provide a flash drive with all your photos for you to do as you wish such as share them on your Facebook page, snap-chat, twitter, or any other social media website. We can also provide on-site printing so your guess can have a photo to take home at their expense to minimize your cost.

    • We can also assist in creating your invitations, flyers, or promotional literature.    

  2. Small Business Consulting - We provide assistance in creating your logo, branding, marketing, web-setup, web-design, promotions, multimedia setup, sale or promotional flyers, business card design, and much, much more.

Get Connected 

Become a mentor, volunteer, or participant.  We will do our best to match a program to your needs.  The best thing you can do is, "Pay it Forward," because your life is what you make of it.  We believe that you can make a difference in your life by making a difference in someone else's.  As you learn, you teach, as you are given, you give. We can all make a difference and make this world a better place.  Our society has become so connected by disconnecting from each other.  You can be in the same location but be so alone. By being connected to your social media, you are disconnecting your self from society. So let's get personal and get involved in each other's lives by helping one another to grow.  Remember "No one cares how much you know, 'Till they know how much you care." 





other forms.


Other Programs

  1. Education - assisting those in school or college with their educational needs and those without a high school diploma or GED assist them in getting one and a Trade skill if needed.

  2. Re-entry - we will assist you in 12 step program, finding resources for your re-entry process, job search, and more. 

  3. Pre-Employment and work maturity Program- resume and cover letter, interview practice, job search, how to fill out an application.

  4. Spiritual - provide spiritual guidance and biblical training such as group and individual Bible studies. 

  5. ID or DL / Birth Certificate - provide assistance in obtaining their State Identification if needed and assist in drivers education training and on the road training if needed.

  6. Community service - with our partners we assist in providing opportunities for community service hours for our members.  

  7. Translators - we provide translators for those who need Spanish to English or English to Spanish. (Proporcionamos traductores para quienes necesitan espanol a ingles o ingles a espanol.)

  8. Other Services - If needed we will assist you in finding the right resource or services that can assist you when we can not, such as the following:

    1. Financial literacy - how to use a checking and savings account, credit cards and credit score. 

    2. Jobs Training (local or Job Corps)

    3. Food assistance - DHS, Churches, etc.

    4. Emergency Housing - Salvation Army, etc.

    5. Other needs that are or are not in our database that we can refer you to.

© 2016 TMP Amici Aeternum

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TMP AMICI AETERNUM / TMPAA is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN: 88.3998663 [509(a)(2)]. For more information, please contact us above.

Thank you for supporting our mission!

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